Prior to 1993 TB services in Bangladesh were mainly curative and based in 44 TB clinics, 8 segregation hospitals and 4 TB hospitals. During the Second Health and Population Plan (1980-86) TB services were expanded to 124 Upazila health complexes (UHC) under the “Strengthening TB/Leprosy Control Services” project. TB was operationally integrated with leprosy during the Third Health and Population Plan (1986-91) under the “Mycobacterial Disease Control” (MBDC) Directorate.  A study conducted by The World Bank in 1990 found low case detection and cure rates at 10% and 40% respectively. Subsequently the NTP adopted the Directly Observed Treatment, Short Course (DOTS) strategy, from November 1993 during the Fourth Population and Health Plan (1992-98) under the project “Further Development of TB and Leprosy Control Services”. NTP started its field implementation in November 1993 in four pilot Thanas (later renamed Upazilas) and progressively expanded to cover all 460 Upazilas by June 1998.

In July 1998 the health and population sector was reformed and services were made available through a sector wide approach named Health and Population Sector Programme (see also section 3.4 above). NTP formulated a strategic plan within the context of HPSP integrated he NTP management into an Essential Services Package. The stated goals of the strategic plan of NTP were “to improve health and family welfare among the most vulnerable women, children and poor of the country”. 

Since 2003, NTP continues its activities under the directorate “Mycobacterial Disease Control”, which functions under the Directorate-General of Health Services of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Priority objectives of HNPSP are reducing the maternal mortality rate, the total fertility rate, malnutrition, infant and under-five mortality and the burden of TB and other diseases.

In 2011, the GOB further revised its strategic approach and renamed HPNSDP as Health Population and Nutrition Sector Development Programme (July 2011-June 2016) prioritizing TB control under communicable diseases. NTP continues its activities under the directorate of "Mycobacterial Disease Control", which functions under DGHS of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.